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Power Up! Workshop - parent+youth
Power Up! Workshop - parent+youth

Power Up! Workshop - parent+youth

Tap on character strengths to uncover you and your child's hidden potential and foster stronger ties

When & Where

09 Mar 2024, 12:45 pm – 5:00 pm

Location is TBD

Event Background

According to research, people who uses their character strengths are 18x more likely to flourish and 6x more engaged in what they do.

In this half-day workshop, learn how to harness the super power in your character strengths to unleash your best self and lead a fulfilling life. Prepare to also free yourself from self-defeating beliefs and blind spots, and acquire strength-based ways to foster more positive relationships.

What you expect to takeaway:


Deepen understanding on your character strengths - what you stand for and blind spots - essentially, the good in you are as a full person beyond work-focused skills. You will also develop personal steps to optimise your strengths on for every aspect of your life including work and relationships.


Learn a powerful approach to better understand others, as well as how to identify and overcome potential conflicts and ways to collaborate more effectively through character strengths.


Strengthen the link of your personal purpose to what you do so as to gain more meaning and fulfilment . Work on strengths-based goals and start taking positive steps towards flourishing and leading the life you want.

Our signature approach


Our workshops blend science-based psychological insights, tools and interventions to cultivate mental well-being, and empower you to live a P+ life. Every thing we introduced has demonstrated positive results in increasing well-being and are rigourously tested including on ourselves!


Nobody likes boring one-way lectures and we neither and we also don't like giving them. We believe sustainable results start from within, and through mindfulness we can ignite greater awareness on what is the right for ourselves and others. We also recognise that everyone is both a student and a teacher. Hence, our workshops are designed to maximise self-reflection, interaction, plus a strong dose of fun.

Event details

Ticket price  - S$170*

*Enjoy a $30 early bird discount if you register and enter the code 'EARLYBIRD20PYP' before 7 Feb 2024

Register closes on 1 Mar 2024.


Prior to the workshop, please take the following and submit the results by 3 Mar 2024. 

1) VIA character strengths test - take the free test and submit the results to

2) Pre-workshop survey


  • 15 minutes

    Registration starts

  • 4 hours


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