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It's time to Return to P+

At P+ Quotient, we're all about the good stuff! We believe that everyone has the potential to be awesome, and our job is to help tap into that greatness.


In a world that is obsessed with practical skills and experience, many have neglected what we call "P+ life skills", which is the best (if not, only) way to truly thrive.


Our mission is to bring P+ back in people and workplaces using the latest psychological research and play!

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What we offer

Through a blend of psychological and data sciences, with the art of communication and engagement, our goal is to help you feel that you can conquer the world - and you probably will! Like you, we have tried many things and what we want is sustainable results. After many decades of searching, we truly believe that we have found the secret sticky sauce to becoming our best self and living our best lives.


Signature Workshops

Our signature workshops are like a superhero training camp for the mind. Here, you will learn and experience some of the best (even award-winning) psychological interventions and tools to conquer stressors, forge stronger connections, and even find your calling! Increase in positive vibes (read: clarity, peace, confidence) are the side-effects!


Customised Programmes

We partner organisations in achieving their goals through customised programmes that weaves evidence-based insights and tools with experiential learning. Using the strength-based approach, our focus is to boost well-being to achieve more engagement, stronger collaboration and grow performance - everyone wins.

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Personal Coaching

We offer strengths-based coaching and personalised support to your unique journey, while centering on mental and emotional well-being. Bringing a background in positive psychology and mindfulness, and a wealth of life and work experiences, our clients can rely on our open perspectives and unwavering support in reaching their personal and professional goals.

Image by Sebastián León Prado

Ready to Pump Up your P+ Power?

Say goodbye to stress and hello to success

Life can be tough, but that doesn't mean you have to go through it alone.


Our workshops and programmes are designed to help you achieve your personal goals in a fun and sustainable way.


And here's a little secret: taking care of your inner world can actually help you rock the outer world too! So grab a seat, let’s get our mental and emotional well-being game on point together!

Need a Thought Partner?

Our one-on-one coaching is like having a personal cheerleader, therapist, and life coach all rolled into one! Our coaching philosophy is centred around well-being and mindfulness, as we believe that you have everything that you need. All we need to do it is just to create the right environment to unlock them, and craft a tailored plan aligned with your values and goals for a more fulfilling life.


Jumpstart your transformative journey in a strategy session.


DM us, or schedule a free session to uncover what you can do to grow to the next level. Bring your burning questions! 

Transform your life by starting from your inner world

Everything starts from within. If we trace back our suffering, difficult relationships, and even, physical conditions, high chance there is a link to our mental state.

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